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Student Resources

Instructional Resources

Dreambox math link

Image of a green,blue ,orange box with the words i-Ready


image of X with the words xtra math


image of an S on purple background  and the word sesaw


Image with PLTW letters


image of word epic


Image of two interconnecting diamonds with the word nearpod


image of a girl holding a keyboard with a circle around her and the word typing club


image of box with 4 colors and the word Kahoot


image of a C and E together in red with words colorado encyclopidia


Square image blue background with animal characters and the  word Blooket


Classroom Resources

a green background box with the words National geographic kids


image of blue circle, red stripes, with the word NASA


image of earth with space in the back ground and the words google earth


Image of blue ribbon at top with word Pearson and a white box below with the word test nav


Image of orange box with the letter A


Research Resources

Image of a tree with words Follett Destiny


Image with words Learn 360


Image with yellow back ground, purple ribbon at the bottom, Pink oval in the middle with the words Pebble Go


cream background, with a robot and word Kiddle


image of dinosaur and palm tree with words kidrex


image of a duck looking through a magnifying glass with the word  ducksters under the duck


Blue background with words Britannica School


image of a children's dictionary


sky with cloud back ground,  with words safe search kids


Image of a book with the letters DK in the middle,  under book is word find out


word kidtopia in a gold oval with a green line circling


image of words San Diego Zoo


Fun Activities

green circle with kid face and words PBS kids


blue circle background with cat  and the word scratch


4 black boxes with letters CODE


green background with purple circle, robot and 2 kids inside of circle


Green background  with chess piece in the middle with the word chesskid


Red background circle with the letter s and the word Story Online


jester with colored dots and wors toy theater learn create play


words  Tate Kids on a splattered paint background


blue background with word kidzone


monster with words fact monster